Dr. Smith’s robot Santos – ALL NEW (review)


22 min.

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Dr. Smiths contractor Santos comes over to see how Dr. Smith is enjoying the changes to his home. The two banter back and forth and Santos heads out. In the next scene, Dr. Smith reveals the robot he has fashioned from his observations of Santos as he worked on his home. Robot Santos is powered up and told to do exercises, shower, flex, clean-up the house, and jerk off.

Note: Santo’s robot movements are sooo in point. You guys/gals are going to love it.


“It’s been a while since I have commented on a Film911, and I just had to comment on the model Santos, particularly within the film, “Dr. Smith’s robot Santos.” The premise was a real fresh take on the Robot fetish, and, as pointed out by another reviewer, Santos acting skills are outstanding. His switch from contractor to newly activated robot was some of the best acting seen on Film911. Santos really committed to his interpretation of robotic movements. It’s the little nuances that really take this film over the top as well. For example, prior to Santos’s jerkoff, his cock began to twitch in anticipation of pleasuring himself; I don’t know if that was intentional, but it sure was hot! Speaking of hot, Santos’ body is fire!”


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