Two Pregnant Men


18 min.

1. Jamie comes home from work to find Andrew throwing up in the bathroom. Andrew and Jamie talk about how they both feel run down and nauseated so they head to the doctor.
2. Jamie and Andrew return home to celebrate the fact that they are both pregnant.
3. While looking for something to eat, Andrew and Jamie argue about eating healthy for their babies.
4. Jamie guides Andrew’s hand as they feel the baby kick for the first time.
5. Jamie and Andrew are lying on the bed when the doctor calls to inform Andrew he must remain on bed rest.
6. Jamie is checking himself out in the mirror.
7. Jamie and Andrew rub their bellies together.
8. Andrew is ironing and can barely stand up.
9. Jamie is lying on the couch when he starts to feel his first contractions.
10. Water birth in the bathtub.

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