Lucas the new office assistant – ALL NEW


18 min.

This is a custom video so some changes have been made to the script in the final product. Good changes. :) The writer used the name Tag and we changed it to Lucas. Lucas is a great actor and I just loved working with him.

SCENE 1: At the Office

Inside of the Doctor’s office, the good Doctor is waiting for the next interviewee and the Doctor complaints that only unattractive people have showed up. Then our new male lead comes along for interview (I think of Tag the assistant/boyfriend of Rachel Green in Friends) He is beautiful as the dawn.

Doctor makes random 2 questions and hires him on the spot. Tag leaves the office all happy and the Doctor is wickedly smiling, he turns to his computer and says to himself: “may be is the time to contact those Japanese and get a tech upgrade”

SCENE 2: At the Living room

The Doctor is checking some emails on his tablet and Tag comes with the coffee and all looks great. Tag is the perfect assistant.

The Doctor tells him: “Thank you Tag I am very grateful for all your help I wish I could keep you forever”

Tag smiles and leaves all proud of this feedback from his employer, someone rings the doorbell (delivery) we see the Doctor smiling like the Cheshire Cat. It has finally come.

Tag brings the package to the doctor and he opens up the small box, it’s a delivery from Japan, (inside the package we can see an earpiece like those Bluetooth earpieces to talk while you drive).

The Doctor indicates Tag that is the ultimate technology on assistance communication that he has worked on it with a Japanese company for some time and if it functions properly it will make the Doctor incredibly rich.

“Would you like to try it on Tag, for a test only?” the Doctor ask.

Tag as an obedient assistant says yes and willing puts the earpiece inside his ear.

As soon as the piece is in Tag’s ear the good Doctor takes his phone and turns on the app

Immediately Tag’s eyes rolled up and his eyelids closes to the middle of the eye so we can see the white of the eye and the mouth opens a little bit, he is the deepest of trances.

Doctor tells him the following  script while Tag maintains the previously described face:

“Tag this earpiece is a mind control device called the Smith-Jutsu its purpose is to create completely obedient servants, from the moment that I turn it on, you will be under my complete power and you will follow all orders and when I turn it off you will not remember anything but YOU WILL NEVER TAKE OFF from your ear, now look ahead and standup”

Tag’s eyes rolls back to normal and he looks blankly straight and he stands up.

The Doctor speaks to the app and the entire speech that Doctor says Tag repeats it in a numb robotic voice like a human speaker.

Doctor Smiths tells him to pull out his phone and break up with his girlfriend because he found something else.

Tag pulls his phone, dials his girlfriend and when she answers the Doctors speaks to his phone to which Tag repeats: “Sue I am sorry but I found something else I don’t want to see you again don’t contact me again”

Tag has become the perfect robot / mind controlled/hypnotized hunk.

Next up the Doctor tells Tag to lose all clothes except for his black boxer shorts and black socks and from now he will wear what the Doctor tells him to wear.

Tag perfectly obeys and we can see his perfect body. The Doctor work ships his body like the usual, flexing, belly button, abs licking. The Doctor is smiling ear to ear.

SCENE 3: Outside the house.

Tag is outside the house he is shirtless and he is hiding from the Doctor and his talking to a friend saying that he has had these time lapses in which he can remember anything and he’s worried some rumors about Doctor Smith maybe true. We can see the earpiece still in his ear.

Suddenly Tag stops talking and his eyes are rolled up and his mouth is slightly open and he looks straight ahead and walks back into the house opening the door.

SCENE 4: At the Living Room

Tag enters the living room in a complete trance and walks directly to the Doctor and stays standing next to the Doctor wearing only his black boxers and his black socks. His position is standing with each arm on his side (I am thinking of Adam’s pose in the Adam & Jonathan hypno video).

Doctor Smith: “Tag all you say and think, I can hear it too you fool, you are hot but a fool”

The Doctor tells him to dial his friend, Tag does it. Doctor Smith talks to the app and Tag repeats in a trance robotic voice: “I made a mistake all is well, bye bye I am going on a long business trip” Tag hangs up the phone and gives his phone to the Doctor.


SCENE 5:  The Bedroom

Doctor Smith is resting in his bed and we see Tag in his normal not hypnotized state coming with coffee, he puts the coffee on the night table and reminds the Doctor of his coming appointments.

The Doctor is not wearing the case anymore therefore some time has passed by.

The Doctor is tired and before his next coming appointment he would like some feet massage and he asks Tag to do so, to which Tag refuses as is not assistant duty to massage his employer’s feet.

The Doctor grabs his phone and opens the app and Tag comes to trance immediately (this time because it has happened so often his eyes do not rolled up he just looks straight ahead and goes mind blank)

We see Tag giving the good Doctor a feet massage, a back massage and if the actors are willing to do so even a hand job, if not the HJ then just gentle massages on feet and back.

In all the shots the audience must see the earpiece in Tag’s ear.

SCENE 6: The Door

Tag is at the door saying to someone outside that the Doctor cannot see anybody else for today because he has an engagement for tonight. (Actually is the Doctor himself talking to his app and Tag repeating his exact words).  Tag closes the door and goes walking to the kitchen in a trance.

SCENE 7: The House later that same day.

Tag is wearing his black boxer shorts, black socks and bowtie and standing next to the Doctor couch looking blankly ahead. The Doctors is on the couch in his pajamas watching movies while Tag is his personal butler.

Next are some different shots of Tag been the perfect servant been in a hypnotic trance and all shots we must see the earpiece:

·         Tag trying on some clothes for Doctor Smith (his personal mannequin).

·         Tag been the Doctor Smith’s personal trainer (Tag shirtless and in work out / gym shorts).

·         Tag moving heavy boxes in the garage with Doctor Smith giving directions.

·         Tag doing the garden shirtless.

The last shot is Tag standing next to the computer totally hypnotized while the doctor is in the chair, Tag is looking straight ahead totally frozen and his eyes are white (rolled up) it looks like he is a resting mode.

The Doctor send an email and he turns to Tag and says to him: “Ok Tag all try outs were successful you will go to Japan for further testing, but before that I need to do something for myself”

The Doctor takes his phone, opens the app Tag awakens in blank stare looking straight ahead and repeats the Doctor instructions given to the app on the phone: “I will forget entirely the next hours and I will never tell your Japanese partners about what happens”

We see Tag walking in the hallway with Doctor Smith behind and entering the bedroom and lying face down on the bed.  Whatever happens next and how much we as an audience can see of it  is up to the Doctor but I can promise you the Doctor will have a great between now and shipping moment.

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