Johnny introduces Isaac to Dr. Smith


15 min.

This is a custom video so some changes may have been made to the script below in the final product.

Johnny can be seen fiddling with his phone (earbuds can be seen in both ears). When he finally gets it set right, he calls out for Dr. Smith and is confused as to where he is. Suddenly we hear the ding and his face goes blank (eyes starring straight forward with mouth ajar). Johnny is listening to what Dr. Smith is saying (Dr. Smith audio will not be included, just your reaction to the following dialog).

Dr. Smith: Johnny did you find another subject for me?

Johnny: Yes Dr.

Dr. Smith: When will he arrive?

Johnny: He will be here any moment Dr.

Dr. Smith: Do you remember what I ask you to do?

Johnny: I remember everything you asked me to?

Ding is heard and Johnny thanks Dr. Smith for the online session. Doorbell or knock is heard and Isaac enters. Johnny invites him over to talk to Dr. Smith.

Isaac: Hi, Dr. Smith, Johnny has told me all bout how your sessions have helped him and I am ready for mine.

Isaac starts to stare at the screen and turns to Johnny and says he doesn’t think it’s working (fidgets with earbuds), Johnny reassures him and gently moves his head back towards the screen. Isaac goes under just as Johnny had earlier.

Dr. Smith: Isaac you will now obey all of my commands and Johnny’s and answer “Yes, sir” after all commands.

Isaac: Yes, sir.

(Screen goes blank and then back on)

We now see Isaac staring straight ahead towards the camera with Johnny standing next to him. Johnny places the following triggers in his mind.

Strip – take off one piece of clothing

Freeze/Unfreeze – basically he will freeze and you can manipulate his body and it will stay in that position and unfreeze undoes it.

Flex – (whatever muscle group you choose) and hold it till you say Unflex. Please kiss, lick, touch, whatever muscle group as you see fit. Specially attention paid to nipples, belly button)

Worship – Isaac will start to feel up his body with blank face

Do each of those triggers a few times each please to kill time. The next part is free form. Ask him to do whatever but here are some ideas:

Kiss – he can show some passion here but still keep the tranced out vibe going

Worship your body


During one of these activites I want Isaac to start to come out of the trance and kinda be startled by the situation so you say FREEZE and when he is still you whispers something in his ear and unfreeze him and continue.

Afterwards, you ask him to put the earbuds back in and sit in front of phone. Ding is heard and he comes out of trance and tells you how awesome the experience was and that he can’t wait to meet Dr. Smith in person.

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