Amir the hound – ALL NEW


21 min.

This is a custom video and some changes have been made to he script below in the final product. ACTOR is played by Jay and Brad is playing Dr. Smith. This video contains NO nudity.

Inside the front door. Dr. Smith greets ACTOR, obviously very excited. ACTOR indicates that he got a call from Dr. Smith saying he needed to come right over so he could show him something… and ACTOR is curious. Obviously very pleased with himself, Dr. Smith shows ACTOR into another room (living room probably) and says something like “You’ve got to see what I did. I gave myself a present, and what’s the good of a present if you can’t show it off to your friends?”

ACTOR and Dr. Smith move to the other room. Then Dr. Smith calls off-screen, “Hound! Here, boy. Come on–come to Master!”

Amir bounds into the scene. He is naked and on all fours with a collar around his neck. He’s been transformed completely into a dog, moving on all fours, obedient to doggy commands, playful and full of barks and growls. Dr. Smith tells ACTOR, “Go ahead–play with him. He’s just a big dumb dog, but he knows all kinds of tricks.”

ACTOR, with a smile of amusement, indulges the doctor and plays fetch and tries a few quick commands (roll over, play dead, sit, heel). Finally ACTOR sits down on the couch or in the chair and Amir rests his head on ACTOR’s lap while ACTOR scratches his head and Amir’s tongue lolls out of his mouth. ACTOR says to Dr. Smith, “This is crazy. How did you do it?”

Dr. Smith replies, “Well, it’s kind of a funny story…”

Scene fades to black. The rest of the script is the flashback to how Amir became Dr. Smith’s loyal hound… at least until Scene X at the end, when we pick up where this scene left off.

Scene 1

Office set. Dr. Smith is sitting in his desk chair writing some notes in a notebook and his phone with a pair of headphones attached is visible nearby on the desk. Amir enters the scene carrying the chair that normally sits in the office. He is wearing a backwards baseball cap, shorts, and a scruffy shirt of some kind and looks a little sweaty–he’s a furniture mover and his been working for a while to bring some new furniture into Dr. Smith’s place.

Dr. Smith: Oh, hey–just put the chair over there.

(Amir puts the chair down where it belongs.)

Amir: Do you mind if I sit for a minute? I think that’s the last thing to move, and it’s pretty hot out there.

Dr. Smith: Sure, sure. Take a load off.

Amir: Great. I’ve been meaning to ask you–what do you do for a living? You’ve got a lot of nice stuff here.

Dr. Smith: I’m a doctor, actually.

Amir: Oh, that’s cool. Like surgery and stuff?

Dr. Smith: Well, I work more in medical research. Experiments and that sort of thing.

Amir: What kind of experiments?

Dr. Smith: Right now, I’m studying the effects of certain audio tones on the human brain. They say that certain sounds can actually be used to program a person, just like you program a computer.

Amir: No shit? I watched some crazy videos about like hypnosis online. Is it like that?

Dr. Smith: I could show you if you want. If I’m being honest, I’m always looking for some more help testing my theories.

Amir: Oh, I don’t know about that. Can’t you make people look pretty stupid while they are hypnotized?

Dr. Smith: What if we worked out some way for you to be in charge? I’ve had that arrangement with some test subjects in the past–then you can see what it’s all about, but still be able to call the shots.

Amir: Oh–I get it. It’s like when my girlfriend and I do kinky stuff–sometimes we have like a safe-word thing. Would that work? Can I just say a word or something to stop it?

Dr. Smith: That’s a perfect idea. I’d hate to have anyone feel uncomfortable when we’re just trying to conduct a little experiment. Why don’t we use your name? All you have to do is say AMIR and I’ll end the experiment right then and there. I promise.

Amir: That sounds fair. OK, so what do we do?

Dr. Smith picks up the headphones and his phone. “All you have to do is put these on and close your eyes. I’ll send a few audio signals to the headphones, and if it works, your eyes will open and you will stare blankly ahead, waiting for instructions. If it doesn’t work after a minute of listening to the tones, you can just take the headphones off and we’ll know this was a failed experiment. And remember–all you have to do is say your name and I promise to end the experiment right away.” He hands the headphones to Amir, who puts them on.

Dr. Smith touches a button on the screen of his phone.

Camera close on Amir, who is sitting back in the chair, head back, eyes closed, with the headphones on. We hear the tones that he is hearing (just a couple of beeps, really, but hey–this is the genius of Dr. Smith at work…) and after just a few of these sounds, Amir sits upright stiff and straight, his eyes open and staring forward unfocused.

Dr. Smith waves his hand in front of Amir’s face a few times and gets no response.

Dr. Smith: Perfect. We’re going to have all kinds of fun now.

Scene 2: Still in office

Dr. Smith: In a moment, I am going to wake you up from this trance by snapping my fingers. Anytime you hear me say the word sleep you will fall back into this mindless state with your eyes closed and your entire body relaxed. But when i wake you up, you’re going to find that something strange is happening with the temperature in this room. Anytime I touch you with my left hand, the temperature in the room is going to feel like it has jumped ten degrees. As you get warmer, you will do whatever it takes to cool off, and you will have no sense of modesty at all–if you need to take all of your clothes off to cool down, you will, and you won’t even think about how unusual it is to get naked in front of a total stranger. But every time I touch you with my right hand, it is going to get thirty degrees colder in this room. You’ll shiver and shake and rub yourself to try and stay warm if it gets too cold.

Dr. Smith snaps his fingers and Amir wakes. He is not aware that the hypnosis worked, and he looks a little confused. Dr. Smith asks him a few small talk questions and scoots his chair over closer to Amir so it is easy to reach out and touch him. They talk casually, and every few seconds, Dr. Smith touches Amir with his left hand. The first time it just causes Amir to take off his cap and mop at his forehead with his forearm. The second time, he lifts the hem of his shirt and mops his face, maybe fanning himself a bit. The next time, he takes his shirt and cap off and leaves them off. Once more, and he quickly stands and shucks out of his shoes/socks and shorts and/or underwear (it would be fine for shoes and shorts to be one action and then socks and underwear to be a separate one if you don’t think the scene is going on too long). Once he is completely naked he still looks uncomfortable and uses his wadded up underwear to wipe at imaginary sweat in his armpits and on his chest. All the while he might make small remarks about how hot it is while still engaging in that small talk chat with Dr. Smith.

Once Amir is naked, Dr. Smith switches to the right hand. One tap feels like heaven to Amir as he is suddenly much cooler and looking happy and relieved. The next has him start to shiver and rub his hands, remarking that it sure has gotten cold. The third touch actually hits him like an attack–ideally he pulls his knees up to his chest while still sitting in the chair, wrapping his arms around his legs and pressing his chin down on his knees to conserve heat, teeth chattering as he tries to keep having a conversation.

Once this has happened, Dr. Smith says SLEEP and Amir relaxes back in the chair, lowering his legs, arms at his side, head leaned forward on his chest and eyes closed.

Dr. Smith: Stand up and follow me.

They leave the office, headed for the living room. Amir does a bit of a zombie walk here (though his arms stay hanging by his sides), his eyes barely open as he follows Dr. Smith obediently.

Scene 3: In the living room.

Amir is standing, still naked.

Dr. Smith: When I snap my fingers, you will wake up and be completely aware that you are naked. I imagine that might be upsetting to you. But while you are awake this time, you will discover that some invisible force has grabbed ahold of your hands and is pulling them straight up away from the ground. The minute you wake, that force will pull you up tight like handcuffs from the ceiling, and no matter how hard you strain, you won’t be able to pull away. The only time they will release is if I say the word FREEZE. If I say that, you will freeze solid like a statue, and your body will only move when I physically move it and pose it. But whenever I say UNFREEZE your hands will immediately be drawn back into those invisible ceiling shackles. Oh–and just one more thing. I am erasing the name AMIR from your mind. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to remember that name. But if I suggest a name for you, you will immediately accept that name as your own–you’ll think it was always your name.

Dr. Smith snaps his fingers.

As Amir’s eyes open, his hands are drawn up to the ceiling, pressed together. He is obviously upset and wonders what the hell is going on. He stands there, thrashing about a bit, armpits on display and body stretched long and taut, and then remembers the escape clause.

Amir: Hey–you promised to let me go if I said the safe word!

Dr. Smith: I did. So say the word, and I’ll let you go.

Amir: Um… it’s… well, dammit, why can’t I…

Dr. Smith: I picked a word for you so simple that anyone could use it–I picked your name. So say your name and I’ll let you go.

Amir: I… I can’t remember my name…

Dr. Smith: Well, that’s too bad. Do you want me to tell you it?

Amir (pissed): I know my own damn name!

Dr. Smith: Freeze.

Amir freezes and Dr. Smith walks over and poses him a bit, exploring all over his body (anything and everything except his nipples or armpits–those we are saving for a bit) with his hands. Then he steps back and says UNFREEZE

Amirs hands are immediately drawn to the ceiling again and he thrashes again.

Amir: Shit–why did you do that? Why are you doing this? Just let me go!

Dr. Smith: Only if you say your name. Or you can ask me to tell you your name if you’ve forgotten it…

Amir: Just… just let me think for a minute…

Dr. Smith walks back over to Amir and sniffs or rubs his armpits since they are so easily accessible in this position. Then he licks or nibbles on his nipples–all of which has Amir super pissed off with lots of “What are you doing? Stop that! Stop that!” Dr. Smith steps back after a minute.

Amir: Fine! What… what is my name?

Dr. Smith (with a very big smile): Hound.

Amir stares at him for a second, the nods. Amir: Oh yeah, that’s right. Hound. There–now you have to let me go.

Dr. Smith: Why?

Amir: I said my name! You said you would let me go if I said my name.

Dr. Smith: What was your name again?

Amir (pissed off): Hound! My name is Hound! I’m Hound!

Dr. Smith: Yes, you are. SLEEP.

Amir’s hands fall to his side and his head lolls forward, eyes shut in trance as he stands there.

[VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do your best to not refer to Amir by that name any more in this video. When addressing him by name, always use HOUND from this point on–when giving directions, when talking to him, anything. It’s part of the fun.]

Scene 4: Living Room

Dr. Smith: You wouldn’t believe how often I get to transform hot guys into my personal pets… but there’s something interesting about you, Hound. The problem is, you’re not quite right for it–not yet. Let’s make a few more adjustments. When I snap my fingers, you will wake up, Hound. You are also going to discover that no matter how muscular you are, I am always stronger than you. And whenever I say the word SLAVE, you will pound one fist to your chest and say. “Yes Master!” But every time you do that–every time I say SLAVE and you call me master, you will get stupider. By the time I am done with you, you will be powerless and mindless in every way–the perfect Hound. DO you understand?

AMir: Yes, master.

Dr. SMith snaps his fingers. Amir, wide awake and no longer restrained with those invisible handcuffs, makes a move to leave the room, but Dr. Smith is in the way. Dr. Smith and Amir lock hands in a kind of wrestling match (upright, just shoving on each other with hands locked–nothing fancy) and at first Amir is pushing Dr. Smith back, but quickly it changes–it;s like the strength is draining right out of him, and Dr. Smith drives him back towards the couch, with Amir in stunned disbelief. Dr. Smith shoves him down on the couch and says “And if you try to leave again, I’ll kick your ass.” and Amir nods sullenly.

Then Dr. Smith says SLAVE and Amir stands up, pounds one fist to his chest in a kind of salute, and says YES MASTER. Dr. Smith asks him a simple math question… and Amir struggles for a bit but gets it right. Dr. Smith says SLAVE and they repeat this, but this time a different simple math question stumps Amir–he guesses a number that is close, but wrong. Then they do this again, and this time, Amir says in a very stereotypical dumb jock voice “I dunno. Whatever.” They repeat it fourth time, and this time, Amir’s answer is a grunt. Dr. Smith asks for him to speak up and try again, and again, Amir makes some kind of grunting noises–he’s getting too dumb to even form words. They do this ONE more time (and Amir can still say Yes, Master, by the way…) and this time after the math question, Amir just stares at Dr. Smith, mouth hanging open and confusion on his face. In a perfect world, a close up on his face and a little drool at the corner of his mouth would be awesome, but it’s not essential to the scene.

D.r Smith says SLEEP and Amir returns to standing, head down and eyes closed and in trance.

Scene 5: Living Room Still

Dr. Smith: I’ve got you just the way I need you, Hound. Dumb and unable to use all that muscle to overpower me. Now to finish this off and complete your transformation into my perfect pet…

He retrieves a dog collar from a drawer or a shelf or somewhere and fastens it around Amir’s neck. Ideally the camera is up close for this. Once the collar is on, Dr. Smith gets right up in his face (a cool close camera shot of both of them in profile would be great–so we can see both of their facial expressions).

Dr. Smith: Open your eyes and look at me.

(Amir does–staring straight into Dr. Smith’s eyes)

Dr. Smith: What is my name?

Amir: Master

Dr. Smith: What is your name?

Amir: Hound

Dr. Smith: When I snap my fingers, you will wake from your trance but you will, from now on, be a perfect, obedient, playful dog. My dog. You will live from this point on on all fours, barking, eating and drinking out of bowls, and in all ways living the life of my loyal pet. This will last day and night, day after day, until such time as I choose to take your collar off. Do you understand?

Amir: Yes, master.

Dr. Smith: Answer me like the dog you are.

Amir: Barks

(Camera now pulls out wide)

Dr. Smith snaps his fingers and Amir drops to all fours. DO some standard puppy play (things other than what was done in Scene 0–no sense duplicating. This is a good time for the classic and much loved drinking from water bowl (close up if possible on this). Especially interested in the following happening:

–Amir jumping on couch and then Dr Smith swatting his ass to get him down

–Amir rolling onto his back and Dr. Smith rubbing his belly while his tongue hangs out and his leg shakes

–Amir sitting up, paws in front of him in the air, begging and whining for treats that he then eats out of Dr. Smith’s hand

–If possible, Dr. Smith clipping a leash on the collar and taking Amir for a walk up and down the hallway

Scene X: Back in the living room a few seconds after Scene 0

ACTOR nods appreciatively, still patting Amir-the-dog on the head. “That’s amazing! It’s so damn hot–you’ve got to show me how to do this to guys!” ACTOR is focused on Amir, and doesn’t notice that Dr. Smith, who we have only barely seen in the background of this shot, has snuck up behind him with the headphones and his phone. Dr. Smith slips the headphones on ACTOR’S head and pushes the button. We hear the first tone and then–

Dr. Smith: I always say, the best way to learn is to experience it for yourself.

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