Klein the unwilling escort

Belly Button, CPR, Feet, Unwilling Escort

21 min.


“The Klein “unwilling escort” is the best, hottest video I’m seen in a long time. Great video.”

Klein’s car breaks down and his phone dies and Brad is kind enough to help him out. Brad offers him some water and he slowly passes out. Quickly Brad checks his eyes to make sure he is out and then worships his body (lot of focus on the feet for those missing our feet content). Klein starts to come around and Brad knocks him out with a rag (another eye check) and then drags him to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom he strips him down to his boxers and then knocks him out again cause he starts to come around. Then he calls his client to let him know he has found someone new. Suddenly Klein has a seizure and his heart stops. Brad starts mouth to mouth CPR and revives him with Dr. Smith’s help. The two leave the room and he comes around and starts to escape only to be knocked out in the hallway and taken to the living room. Once propped up in the chair the, Dr. Smith moves his head and arms around while Brad takes pics for potential customers. Finally they get into bed with him and have a little chat.

This video features a lot of great rag doll body manipulation coupled with the usual Dr. Smith elements.

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