Joseph’s med study

Belly Button, CPR, Unwilling Escort

19 min.

This is a custom script and some changes have been made to it in the final product. Note Joseph does get hard spontaneously in this vid.

Joseph’s Five Tests ( Unwilling Escort/CPR Hybrid):

Joseph answered an ad agreeing to be the subject of an anesthesia experiment. It says: “Join our research! Test 5 different drugs. Receive substantial compensation upon completion.”

Each anesthesia drug test checks on:

1. How quickly each drug works

2. How long it lasts

3. Muscle response to stimuli while under

4. How easy it is to revive the patient.

The testing goes from weakest drug first to very strong last. Each faster acting than the previous one while making Joseph harder to revive. This creates more time to stimulate muscle responses and examine and grope the subject. When revived, Joseph begs and struggles to quit, but Dr. Smith needs his research and keeps forcing the other drugs on him.

I’ll leave the methods of anesthesia up to you like chloroform, gas, injection. Same with how you choose to stimulate his torso muscles, examine them and revive him.

In the end, the Doctor completes all five tests but Joseph is still out. Smith tries to wake him and shake him up before his next subject arrives. Smith yelling, “Wake up! You have to leave!”

Joseph unresponsive.

The end

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